स्थाईकरण फॉर्म – RPSC से चयनित व्याख्याता/प्रधानाध्यापक/वरिष्ठ अध्यापक/शारीरिक शिक्षक

Confirmation Form – Lecturer/Principal/Senior Teacher/Physical Teacher selected from RPSC

स्थाईकरण फॉर्म
For the stabilization of the selected probationer (probationer trainee) through Raj.
1. Name of the Probationary Personnel………………………………………… …………………
2. Father’s/Husband’s Name………………………………………… …………………
3. Date of Birth………………………………………… …………….
4. Public Service Commission’s Merit No. …………….. and Category ………………
(attach copy)
5. First appointment order No. ……………………… and dated ……………. ..
(attach copy)
6. Details of the schools working during the probationary period from the first appointment –
Sl.No. Name of the School From When to When Particulars
7. In addition to the casual leave granted/taken during the period of probationary leave
details of-
Cross Holiday Details Order
Holiday Period Total Days Service Book
From Date To Date Page No. 1. maternity leave
2. Paternity Leave
3. Earned Leave
4. Extraordinary Leave
5. Commuted Leave
6. Unpaid Leave
7. Other Holidays
8. I declare that after the first appointment, I have not taken any leave other than the above.
have been taken and no departmental inquiry proceedings are proposed/under consideration against me.
Date Signature Probationary Personnel with Designation
Certificate of Head of Office / Head of Institution
The information submitted by the personnel was matched with the records available in the office.
Which is completely correct. No disciplinary action proposed against the employee in CCA-16/17
is/is not running. The work behavior of the personnel is satisfactory and in the annual work evaluation report
There is no adverse entry in Alauchya posting work period. recommended the stabilization of personnel
She goes.

Countersignature District Education Officer Signature Institution Head with Seal and Date

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